Tuesday, March 26, 2019

I'm empty. I need to be filled. I can't pour into others unless I'm filled.

We see and hear these statements. There's truth in them. We need to be filled sometimes. But, we are told we can't give unless we are filled to capacity and overflowing. I'm reminded of the widow with only a few drops of oil left to her name, facing possible starvation for herself and son (2 kings 4). Elisha commanded her to borrow jars from neighbors and pour her oil into them.  That little oil of hers filled many, many jars. We can pour out from little, if we rely on God.

Sometimes it's not a filling up we, or others need. People are full.  Full of work, chores, kids, sports, appointments.  Full of bad news, anxiety inducing politics.  Full of hurt.  Full of things the world has offered them, to fill any hole they have.

Maybe,  it's not so much about filling others up. Maybe that's God's job.  Maybe it's about being a light. A beacon, a lighthouse. Maybe it's about shining, on them, lighting the way, giving warmth. A farmer doesn't crack open the seed and pull put the roots.  He just plants it, makes sure it has light and water.  Lighting the way, guiding away from danger, displacing darkness.  Sometimes people don't need a drenching, but illuminating.